ID ouvrage : 1025
titreA treatise of music, containing the principles of composition. Wherein the several parts there of are fully explained, and made useful both the professor and students of that science. Translated into English from the original in French language.
auteursJean-Philippe RAMEAU
date d'édition1752
éditeurLondon, J. Walsh a(R. Brown)
pagination176 p.
matièreHarmonie - Traités d'accompagnement
localisationA-Wn, B-Br, D-Bds, D-Bim, D-Hs, D-HEs, EIR-Dm, F-AN, F-Nm, F-Pn, F-Pc, GB-Cu, GB-Er, GB-Es, GB-Eu, GB-Ge, GB-Lbm, GB-Lgc, GB-Lcm, GB-Mp, GB-Ob, GB-Ouf, GB-W, US-BA, US-BLm, US-Bp, US-Bec, US-CH, US-CLwr, US-DN, US-IO, US-LOs, US-NYp, US-NYcu, US-Nsc, US-PHlc, US-Pu, US-PO, US-R, US-SH, US-U, US-Wcm
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